Saying Goodbye is Never Easy

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Hey guys this post is going to be tough but its for someone who deserves it,

Yesterday Monday November 17th 2014, God and my late Step-dad Al greeted my baby girl Jasmine Marie Nelson into heaven. She was my oldest dog at 11 years old. She was a Saint Bernard Hound mix. Beautiful in every which way. She was my first dog so this is pretty hard on me when I heard how much pain she was in and the decision we made as a family to put her down yesterday morning. I want this post to be a memorial of her life, the lessons she taught me and to share her beautiful life with all of you. I am going to start from the day we adopted her and memories throughout the years.

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We adopted Jasmine when she was 2 Months old from Sterling Animal Shelter in Sterling, Ma. We found out about her litter through a friend of ours and immediately decided to go adopt one of the puppies. But we had no idea what we were getting into. We drove an hour and a half to adopt our first family dog. We got there and immediately knew we wanted Jasmine to be ours. We signed the papers and picked out a matching purple collar and leash and left with this scared little girl. She shook the whole ride home and when we finally got home we introduced her to my step dad Al, he is the one who actually named her Jasmine. She was afraid of men so when she met him she peed on the floor and there is still a stain to this day in our basement. Over the years she learned to be a people person.

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When she was 2 (terrible twos) and I was 14 at the time I remember her eating my homework (yes my dog actually ate my homework) and my Brat dolls that were popular at the time. I was so mad at her for eating my toys but I knew she was a puppy and didn’t know any better. Plus my mom replaced them and my teacher saw the destroyed homework. Anyway she also was known to take my socks off my feet if they were loose and rip them apart. She loved playing fetch until we got Kody then she didn’t play as much. She use to spaz around the yard when we would run around with her and play fetch.  She loved the snow because she was part Saint Bernard. She was such a lively dog and always made you smile with her head turns and kisses.

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In the end she was strong but I want to share why we made the decision to put her down. Monday morning we found out from the vet that she was full of cancerous tumors. She was already crying in pain all the time and was on a pain med that didn’t work. We also found out she had a blood infection that was deadly. As well as she had 20% lung capacity to breathe that is not a lot and it was hard for her to breathe in these past few weeks. Because she was in so much pain it was best for her to be freed of her pain.

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I do want to tell you that my parents told me in her last moments she was licking my stepdads hand, lookign him straight in the eyes with her big brown eyes letting him know she was okay and wanted to be freed of this pain. Putting a dog down is never easy but as dog and animal lovers we have to realize its not whats best for us but whats best for the dog health wise. The vet told us that if we kept her alive any longer it would be cruel and selfish of us and i agree.

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She is free from pain and suffering, she is in heaven with my step dad Al. I will always miss her and love her and always keep her in my thoughts and always have those 11 years of memories that will last a lifetime.

Rest in the Sweetest Peace Baba, may you watch over me and protect me and know how deeply missed you are. I love you Jasmine, and I will see you again some day.


Please feel free to share any animals you know or have had that have passed and their stories on here. I would love to hear them and meet them even through memories.

Thanks for reading  guys and next week will be on a lighter note of Toys and what comes with choosing them for your dog!

1 thought on “Saying Goodbye is Never Easy

  1. Beautiful post, Chelsea. I’m a little late checking these. I am deeply sorry for your loss and so thankful you had Thanksgiving break soon after the loss, a time to breathe a bit and not have to put on a happy face.

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