Dog Myths Part One

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Hey guys, today is going to be the first part of a two part series on dog myths and the truth about them. I am just going to list them out there is a total of 12 but only 6 will be shared this week and 6 next week.

  1. Dog should have a litter before they are spayed- not true, it’s not healthier if they have a litter before they are spayed in any way. Spayed fogs are at a lower risk for breast cancer and uterine infections
  1. Dogs are sick when their noses are warm- temp of a dog’s nose does not indicate health or illness or a fever. The only way to actually take a dog’s temp is too take it with a thermometer. Normal temp of a dog is 100.5 to 102.5 degrees.
  1. Mutts are always healthier than purebred dogs- not true, both mutts and purebreds can be unhealthy, both can have diseases, however mutts generally don’t have many of the genetic diseases common in purebred lines
  1. All dogs like to be petted on their heads- some dogs do not like be petted on their heads and some don’t every dog is different
  1. Happy dogs wag their tails- true but aggressive dogs also wag their tails. There are several physical body motions and cues that help dogs to communicate their intent. A wagging tail can mean agitation or excitement. A slow wagging tail and moves all rear end or crouches means they want to play and are friendly. Tails that wag when held higher, twitched or wags while held over the back can be signs of aggression
  1. Only male dogs will “hump” or lift their leg to urinate – not true, females try to dominate female’s dogs especially. They will also lift their leg to pee or hump just as much as males do even after they are spayed and neutered.

Hope you guys liked these myths and truths about dogs, personally I found them interesting and educational LOL. If anyone has any questions or comments feel free to contact me! Feel free to ask any topics or questions you want me to address on my blog.