Keeping your dog safe, even in your own backyard!

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Hey Dog lovers, today’t topic will be on how to keep your dog safe from coyotes or other wildlife. Through knowledge and tips and to simply be aware of surroundings. 

1. Start in your backyard

Although most dog parents know you should, or I would recommend fencing in your yard. I know they have those electric fences but honestly dogs can grow a tolerance to the shock and break free eventually. Some may also argue that their dog will come every time they call, this is simply not true if a dog does not want to come to you they won’t. That is why we have leashes and fences to help protect not only them but you as well. Getting a fence that is 6 feet or taller and has a roller bar, 15 in woven wire as well. Also make sure it is all the way into the ground as coyotes can dig pretty well.

In some situations your HOA regulations may prevent you from creating such a barrier, here are some tips to make your yard less attractive to the predators;

  • Install motion-sensitive lighting.
  • Trim landscaping to eliminate hiding places.
  • Add a roof if you have an outside kennel.
  • Remove bird feeders, pick up fallen fruits and nuts from trees, and regularly harvest gardens; the food attracts not only coyotes but also their natural prey.
  • Keep trash bins in the garage or use animal-resistant models if allowed by your collector.

2. Change your behavior

Some ways to keep predators out;

  • Keep food and water bowls inside.
  • Supervise your dog while in the yard, especially at dawn and dusk; never tie your dog up outside.
  • Close any pet doors before dusk each day.
  • Do not allow your dog to interact with wildlife; doing so teaches him or her it’s okay to approach strange animals.
  • Never feed wildlife.
  • Use a 6-foot, non retractable leash and avoid walking at dawn and dusk.

3. Know how to handle an encounter

If a predator does get into your yard you need to remember to stay calm, and get your dog inside as quickly and safely as possible. Be quiet and cautious. Predators wont attack unless they have a reason to.

4. Educate your neighbors

Neighbors can help watch your house while you are away. Never leave your dog outside un supervised no matter how old or how much you trust them always watch them or have someone watching them outside. Again this is for yours and your pets protection.

That is it for today guys! I hope you can take away some serious tips and educate yourself on safety measures to ensure everyone stays healthy and happy.

As always I would love to hear from you my readers about what I should talk about and what you think of the post and blog itself.