What in the World is a Shrink-a-bull?

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s3Hello dog lovers, today’s topic is one of my favorites to share. Thee breed taking the world by storm, Shrink-a-bulls

s1 What are Shrink-a-bulls you ask? Shrink-a-bulls are a combination of English and French Bulldogs. They are a popular breed that is at such a high demand they update their Facebook and Website with new puppies as soon as they are born. These people are on top of the breeding world like no other. Shrink-a-bulls are cute, lovable and honestly a breed that I want to own in the future. 


Shrink-a-bulls are expensive as you have to call to inquire but still remain a popular demand to own. 


Stay tuned until next week where I share the ins and outs of Breeding dogs. Don’t forget to check out Scarves for Paws to support sheltered dogs. 

“Once you have a had a wonderful dog, a life without one, is a life diminished” Dean Koontz 

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