Aussie likes to chew….EVERYTHING!

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Hey Dogs lovers, wanted to give you all an update on my baby Aussie as we are on Week 2.

For starters compared to when we first got her this girl has gone balls to the walls with how much I can take. Luckily for her I know how to handle stubborn dogs as I have had one in the past and another currently (Bear).

IMG_0568She likes to chew things….meaning everything (Cords, her cage, toes, ankles. hair, jewelry, shoes, Bear, Kody..ETC.) The list could go on forever!

Bear has been really good with her outside and in. She can get a little to crazy sometimes but he puts her in his place.

Kody is not a huge fan as he is blind and cannot see her when she goes under him which makes him stress and nervous, so for the most part they accept each others presence and that’s it.

IMG_0560She loves to play in the leaves, I think its the noise but she could get lost in the smells and sounds for days. She likes to bury herself inside the leaves. Should be interesting once snow hits to see how she will react.

She has a belly that is just the cutest fattest thing you will ever see!

She likes to nap in her cage and on the floor next to me.

She is AMAZING in her crate, she really is an intelligent breed.

She has been having less accidents in the house which is always a good thing, although only on week two its is nice to see small progress, but progress none the less.

IMG_0562That’s pretty much it with an Aussie update this week! Look for more each week on her progress.