Saying Goodbye to my Childhood Bestfriend

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Hey Dog Lovers, today’s post is sad but allows me to mourn in the best way I know how.


It is with a heart, broken in two I said good bye to my hubby, Kody this morning as he crossed the rainbow bridge. He was with me in my darkest days and brightest moments in my life. He was my best friend but more importantly my rock.

He taught me courage, strength, compassion, patience and forgiveness. I am so thankful for the past 9 years I was blessed with and couldn’t ask for a better childhood best friend.

It brings me comfort knowing he is in heaven with jasmine, alley and my uncle Paul, free of pain and able to see again. I’ll miss him randomly appearing whenever someone opened something remotely sounding like food and his big puppy eyes begging for the last bite ( which I usually caved in and gave him), his constant happiness about everything we did especially if it involves a treat and more importantly his protective nature whenever a loud noise happened or someone was walking by.


Thanks for a lifetime of memories Kody and I can’t wait to see you again! 💕🐾💕❤️💕🐾

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