Dog Smiles on Command

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Hey Dog Lovers,

Today is a light and cute post about a rescue dog from PAWS Chicago who learned to smile even after going through Canine Influenza Virus.

He is a 5 month old American Stafford Terrier names Herbert and absolutely adorable.

Staff at Paws reported he was very shy at first but within weeks he began to //<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”//”/>

var playerParam = {‘pcode’:’BhdmY6l9g002rBhQ6aEBZiheacDu’,’playerBrandingId’:’undefined’,’skin’: {‘config’: ‘//’} };OO.ready(function() {window.pp = OO.Player.create(‘container’, ‘undefined’, playerParam); }); “>smile on command and honestly was the cutest thing ever they has to record it. He is not yet up for adoption as he is still recovering from his sickness.

PAWS hopes Herbets fame brings positive light to a breed that people sometimes judge harsher on than others.

Dogs are amazing, smart and talented animals who deserve a loving and caring home.

Thanks for reading dog lovers. Have a great week!

Fall is HERE!, Please check out Scarves for Paws for the latest trends and styles!

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