Facts About U.S Animal Shelters and Pet Ownership

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Lets talk about U.S Animal Shelters and Pet Ownership:

U.S Animal Shelters

Every year it is reported 6.5 million companion animals enter the U.S animal shelters nationwide. Only 4 million find a home each year leaving a high retention of unwanted animals in the shelter system. 


Here are some facts also found on this amazing resource on the  World Animal Foundation website. 

Pitbull’s are one of 6 most common surrendered breeds

86.9 households in the US own a pet

Almost 390,000 Dogs are euthanized in shelters annually

ASPCA reports pet problems are the most common reason that owners re homed their pet, accounting for 47% of re homed dogs and 42% re homed cats. Problems are defined as problematic behaviors and aggressive behaviors.Â