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Guest Post : Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bones?

Bones are irresistible attractions for dogs. Most of the dog parents have experienced the situation when, accidentally, they forgot the wing bones on the table after meal, and their dog stole them. Often, dogs steal bones from the trash can that’s left open. There are different scenarios where your dog finds chicken bones to chew on, and gulp down easily. But, the repercussions are injurious and deadly!

Small uncooked chicken bones can easily obstruct the throat or digestive passageway, hence, are dangerous. You would never want your dog to be choking and turning blue every passing moment. It’s painful to see that happen.

If the chicken bones are cooked, they are a greater risk. They can easily splinter when chewed by the dog and cause internal seizures and bleeding.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Serving Bones to Dogs:

Dogs love to chew on bones, as it was the only food their ancestors had when they lived in the wild. Moreover, raw bones are beneficial for cats and dogs. You have to follow some instructions for serving raw or cooked bones to the dogs.

Keep in mind some of the factors while serving raw bones to dogs:

  1. During the initial servings of pups or dogs with raw bones, strictly supervise them as they can go crazy for the bone and may attempt to swallow it. Let them learn not to engulf it entirely.  
  2. Serve big bones to dogs that cannot be swallowed by the dog easily.
  3. Supervise the dog while he is chewing on a bone. In case of choking, immediately call the veterinary for help.
  4. Cooked bones whether big or small shouldn’t be served to the dogs.
  5. Chicken bones can only be given to dogs by preparing a bone broth so that they may enjoy the vitality without health hazards.
  6. Let the dog chew on a bone for as long as it’s bigger than the size of his mouth. When the bone size reduces due to continuous chewing, discard it. Otherwise, the dog may try to swallow the bone.
  7. Wash the bone with vinegar to remove bacteria once your dog has chewed on it for around 20 minutes. Place it in the refrigerator for use the next day. You can give the pet the bone for two to three days, and then dispose it off.
  8. Cooked bones, especially chicken bones, should never be given to dogs because they are small, easy to break, and swallow. Their brittle and dry pieces can cause cuts in the dog’s mouth and gums. The sharp bones can cause punctures in the intestines and may lead to death.

Benefits of Raw Bones:

Raw bones are a source of phosphorus, calcium, proteins, and other essential minerals and nutrients. They are also useful for the dental health of dogs as they strengthen the jaw bones and scrub the teeth and gums for plaque removal from teeth. Chewing is also a good distraction from boredom or bad behaviors. Anxiety due to boredom can be cured medically using melatonin. Read more on melatonin here.

Hazards of Giving Chicken Bones to the Dogs:

Cooked bones have several hazards for dogs, including tooth fracture, choking, rectal bleeding, and perforated bowel. These bones can cause obstructions in the digestive tract or constipation. In extreme cases, punctures done by sharp bones internally lead to peritonitis, a bacterial infection.

In 2010, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US declared that all dog owners should toss the bones before serving them to their pets.

Risk: 1 Tooth Fracture and Mouth Wounds:

FDA has warned pet owners to avoid giving their dogs and cats any kinds of raw bones. Chicken bones, in raw form, can be hard enough to cause tooth fractures in pups. Dogs often get excited when they see a bone to eat and, in a hurry, may try to chew it quickly. Usually small dogs and puppies do not have strong teeth and may break their tooth, in an attempt to chew on a hard chicken bone.

The sharp broken bones can cause lacerations and cuts in the mouth. Small bones can get stuck between the teeth, and should be removed immediately as their sharp edges can injure the tongue. Whatever the situation maybe, a visit to the vet is necessary.

Risk: 2 Tracheal Tube or Esophagus Injury

Sharp-edged bone, if not chewed well, can get stuck in the esophagus and injure it as it will pass down to the stomach. In case the bone gets stuck in the esophagus, the dog will gag or attempt to vomit it out, which is risky.

Sometimes dogs inhale when gulping down the bone, and the bone can block the windpipe, which will lead to shallow breaths. It’s a deadly situation, so waste no time to reach the veterinarian.

Risk: 3 Internal Injuries:

Even if the undigested bone does not block the intestine, it can puncture it. It will cause internal bleeding and severe injuries. Such internal injuries are deadly as the bone can puncture vital organs like pancreas, and blood vessels that are connected with the digestive tract. The internal bleeding can lead to peritonitis, an infection that succeeds an injury. Internal infections are no less than cancer.

Risk: 4 Digestion Problems:

If the chicken bone doesn’t get digested in the stomach, it can cause seizures in the intestine or blockages in the digestive tract. The blockage will prevent the passage of gases and waste products out of the body, which can lead to toxicity of the blood.

What if the dog has eaten a cooked chicken bone?

Despite your strict supervision, there are times when your pooch will get hold of cooked chicken bones. It is a crucial time for the dog, and you will have to pay close attention to his behavior. Shouting at the dog will be no good!

Step #1: Observe the dog’s behavior

Stay calm, and carefully observe whether the dog is choking or becoming listless. He may become restless with pain. You can understand when the bone has lodged in the dog’s throat from the behavioral symptoms like gagging, becoming anxious, and breathing heavily.

You have to be vigilant for the next 24 to 72 hours, and observe the following symptoms:

  1. Vomiting
  2. Difficulty defecating
  3. Stomach swelling
  4. Bloody Stool
  5. Restlessness
  6. Choking
  7. Listlessness
  8. Salivating and licking his lips


Step #2: Avoid making the dog throw up:

Most dog parents panic in such situations and try to make the dog throw up. It will be as risky for the sharp bones to move up the esophagus as it was to go down. If the damage was not done before, it would be done by taking this risk.

Step #3: Give the dog soft food:

The best way to prevent seizures is to give the dog soft foods like boiled rice, and a lot of fluids immediately after he has eaten a piece of bone. Soft food will cushion the pieces of chicken bones. The cushioning will help to prevent the cut and scratches in the intestines or stomach lining during the digestion process.

Step #4: Check the dog’s stool:

If the dog has shown no signs of pain or discomfort, it is more likely that he will get fine. Nevertheless, it’s important that you keep an eye on the dog’s behavior and the excretion habit.

If the dog is feeling strained while passing the stool, then there’s a problem. If he can pass the stool but there’s blood in it, you will have to call for the emergency.

Step #5: Consult the Nearest Vet

In case the pet is merely chewing on the food and has stopped gulping it down, there are chances of internal damage. Whether you have found the signs of internal injury or you are unsure of what should be done, consult the vet.

Step #6: Stay Safe for Future:

Keep the bones out of your dog’s reach to lessen the chances of such incidents in future. Get dog-safe trash cans with tightly fitted lids. Always empty the plates out after you have finished your food. Chicken bones are toxic for dogs. When you are dog proofing your kitchen, consider removing chicken bones from counters always.

All in all, it’s best to take the precautions and be prepared for such incidents. It’s a deadly risk, and no dog parent wants to lose their furr-baby.

James Shore is a part-time dog-trainer and dog behavior consultant. He is a professional freelancer with years of experience in dog training. He is interested in finding out fun ways to handle dog behaviors, specifically, Labradors to help dog-owners enjoy their companions at all times. His pet-passion led him to develop to help people.

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