Top 5 Reasons you should Hire a Dog Walker!

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Hey Dog Lovers,

I recently took a job as a dog walker and let me tell you the owners that hire my company need it. Even it is just to let them out to go the bathroom or to maybe throw the ball a little every minute helps. It helps them burn some energy before their parents get home after a long day of work.

1. Health Pets need regular and consistent exercise to live long, healthy, and happy lives.  According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, an estimated 54% of dogs and cats in the United States are obese.  One of the absolute best ways to keep your pet healthy is to provide 3 or more 20+ minute walks per day.

2. Socialization and Stimulation Walking not only gets your dog the exercise she/he needs, but it also stimulates his/her senses. Your dog gets to see, smell, feel, and hear all types of new and interesting things when out for a walk.  This stimulation often includes meeting other people or animals, which can be an excellent way to encourage proper socialization for your pup.  These can be the dogs highlight of the day.

3. Behavior A tired dog is a good dog.  Regular walking helps to release excess energy in your pup, resulting in calmer behavior at home.  With frequent, lengthy walks, your dog will be less inclined to indulge in bad behavior such as: bark, chew, bite, use the bathroom indoors, etc.

4. Peace of Mind Hiring a dog walker gives you the peace of mind that your dog is well taken care of, even when you aren’t at home.  With a daily dog walker, you don’t have to worry as much if you need to stay late for work, or if your dog doesn’t completely “finish” when you take them out in the morning.  The knowledge that your dog will get quality time outdoors during the day also helps relieve the guilt or stress held by knowing your pup is otherwise locked up alone, often for 8 or more hours every day.

5. Time – We all live busy lives, and every minute counts.  Sometimes, consistent lengthy walks are difficult to fit into our schedules.  We often wake up extra early, head home for our lunch hours, and delay making dinner for our families in an effort to make sure our dogs get the care they need.  With a regular dog walker, your dog still gets all of the exercise and attention they deserve, while you get back a great deal of time.  Everyone wins!

Thanks for reading, until next week!