Can Dogs Eat Avocados?

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Hey dog lovers,

Today we talk about one of my favorite foods, avocado’s. Are they safe for your dogs?


NO, avocados contain a toxin called persin, which causes mastitis, heart failure, and death. It is most concentrated in leaves of the plant, but it is also present in the seeds, stem and fruit.


Dogs are more resistant than other animals to persin, but that does not mean avocados are safe for dogs. It can cause diarrhea and vomiting.


Among the top 10 people foods that are dangerous for dogs.


What If they eat avocados?

Biggest danger is the pit. Not only are they poisonous but they are also a choking hazard. If you suspect your dog has swallowed the pit, call your vet immediately.


Eating a small bit of the avocado fruit wont cause your dog any lasting damage. Just monitor then closely and call your vet so they are aware.


Prevention is the best way to keep avocados out of your dog’s mouth. Always advise guests if you are having guacamole to not share it with the dog.


Thanks for reading this week and make sure you come back next week when we tackle Why dogs Howl at Sirens?

Thank you for reading dog lovers!

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