Top 5 Toxic Foods for your Dog

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Hey Dog lovers,

Although recently we did touch upon toxic foods for dogs, I wanted to re-explore the topic with the top 5 toxic foods for your dog as this is a serious topic that needs to be explored numerous times.


The amount of chocolate consumed determined the toxicity, symptoms of chocolate poisoning can include: vomiting, diarrhea and seizures. The darker the chocolate the more serious the poisoning can be.


Chocolate Toxicity Meter



An artificial sweetener found in sugarless gum, candy and baked goods. Approved for people but can cause liver damage and a life threatening drop in blood sugar in dogs.

EX: 10lb dog would only need to eat 1 stick of sugar free gum to reach potentially toxic dose.  Low blood sugar can develop within 10-15 minutes of ingestion in addition to vomiting and loss of coordination.


Both grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs, with vomiting, increased urination and increased thirst potential symptoms of poisoning. Keep them out of reach of pets at all times.


If eaten in large amounts onions and garlic can cause the destruction of red blood cells and lead to anemia in dogs. Size of the dose determines the level of poisoning, lethargy and reduced appetite can be symptoms of a toxic reaction.  The sooner you diagnose the poisoning the better.


Beer, wine, cocktails aside, alcohol can be found in desserts and can be created in your dogs stomach if they ingest homemade or store bough yeast dough used in making bread rolls and pizza. Even a small amount of alcohol both ingested through alcoholic beverages and produced in the stomach can be life threatening.

Thanks for reading, and make sure you check back next week when we celebrate August Birthdays.

Thank you for reading dog lovers!

Please check out Chelsea’s Canine Crafts, 15% of monthly profits benefit a shelter of the month.

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