Are Wild Mushroom Toxic to Dogs?

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Hey Dog Lovers,

Today we jump into the topic of Wild Mushrooms, such as the ones you may have growing in your back yard, and while you may think they are healthy to ingest that is not always the case.

Toxic Mushrooms are classified into four categories (A,B,C,D) based on clinical signs and their time of onset, and into groups (1-7) on the basis of the toxins they contain.




Abdominal Pain



Yellowing of the skin

Uncoordinated movements

Excessive Drooling



Causes of Poisoning

When canine Ingests a toxic mushroom. The severity depends on the type of mushroom the dog consumes and amount he eats.


Diagnosis of Mushroom Poisoning in Dogs

Have a thorough history of your dog’s health to your vet, including the onset, nature of the symptoms and possible incidents that might have precipitated the complications. Usually a physical exam is done and a complete blood count, biochemistry profile and urinalysis.


Thanks for reading and make sure you come back next week and check out 5 things you didn’t know about German Shepherds.

Thank you for reading dog lovers!

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