6 Things to Remember When You Have a Fearful Dog

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Hi Dog Lovers,

Today we talk about fearful dogs and how to help them through those fears. Remember this is not an overnight process and can take a while based on the level of fear,the age of the dog and their past. I have composed 6 helpful hints to remember when you have a fearful dog, As always if you have any comments, questions or concerns I encourage you to reach out so I can better assist you.

  1. A fearful dogs Journey is not a straight line, so do not expect it to be. Be prepared for setbacks and breakdowns and taking alternate routes every once in a while.
  2. Learn to enjoy the perspective. Instead of questioning why your dog is reacting the way they are, try to appreciate the world around you.
  3. Revel in the small victories for your scared dog. Let your dog on their own terms check out the stimulus that is triggering them and when all that tension in their body releases, reward and enjoy the victory.
  4. Be prepared for tough days and you might want to give up. Remember a dog is a life time commitment no matter what, you make it work. You are their whole lives.
  5. Fearful dogs do get better. From 2 months to 5 years, I promise with effort and time your fearful dog will turn into a less fearful dog.
  6. Parenting a Fearful dog is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do. The bond you grow with your dog is the most rewarding thing to come out of all the effort you put into

I truly believe in all these statement stated above as I may not have a fearful dog but I do have a reactive dog. I have put so much time and energy into making her into a normal dog. The past 3 years have been hard, but she is also the reason I am a dog trainer. She pushed me until I almost broke, but her love for me has made every downfall worth it.

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Next week on Training Tuesdays we discuss: Loose Leash Walking Tips and Tricks!

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