14 reasons why cats and dogs can get along

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Hey Dog Lovers,

Today I talk about a common misconception between dogs and cats the fact they cannot get along. Or so people thought. I am here to debunk the rumors and share why cats and dogs can get along.

Dogs can be great role models for young kittens

Both Cats and Dogs love being outdoors

They can have each other’s back

They can be silly together

They both need a lot of loving

Dogs can annoy cats…with love

The trip to the vet isn’t so scary when you go with a friend

Cat & Dogs both like to squeeze into small places

Cats & Dogs both love “Sleeping in”

They can high five after being naughty

Both Cats and Dogs look up to their owner

They can keep each other warm

They can just hang out

Make sure to check back weekly for Training Tuesdays and Thursday Thoughts!

Next week on Thursday Thoughts we discuss: Teacup Pomeranians 101

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