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Bringing your Dog to Work, Safely!

Hey Dog Lovers, 

Today we talk about a new fad happening in businesses around the world, bringing your dog to work. Although currently my full time job does not allow me to bring Aussie but my part time does I just choose not to. I like to remind people not all dogs are meant to be social with people other than their immediate families. 

In 2015, 8% of American workplaces allow employees to bring pets to work, which was up from 5% from 2013 this is according to the Society for Human Resource Management survey. 

Amazon is the prime example as it has not only opened its own downtown dog park, but “more than 2,000 dogs are brought in regularly to Amazon’s main campus where about 25,000 employees work.

Making your workplace comfortable: 

Bring in a comfy bed so they can relax on it, gather toys and a few of their favorite items that smell like home. Don’t forget to bring lots of treats to reward good behavior, which is as simple as sitting quietly at your side.  

Train your dog to behave at Work: 

Problem behaviors: 

  • Barking
  • Running wildly through the building 
  • Garbage surfing 
  • Accosting people with unwanted sniffing and perhaps jumping 

These are all easy fixes with some basic training, and fundamental training will strengthen your bond and your dog will enjoy learning a few tricks (especially when treats are involved) 

Basic Commands your dog should know: 

  • Sit
  • Stay
  • Barking (Speak, quiet) 

Dangers in the workplace: 

  • Paper shredders are the most dangerous piece of equipment in the workplace, especially with dogs tails, leashed and ears. Keep them away from them! Try to unplug them if possible or have the safety feature on. 
  • Electrical cords – dogs can get burns on their tongues or mouths from chewing on electrical cords
  • Garbage cans – toxic things to dogs can be in them so keep them covered or out of reach 
  • Purses and other bags- meds, chocolate or other toxic things could be inside 

Socialization at Work: 

  • Introduce your dog to your coworkers (treats for positive introductions) 
  • Introduce your dog to coworkers’ dogs
  • Get your dog ready for the commute 

Crate your dog at Work: 

  • Allows them to not feel threatened 
  • Allows them to go safely to an area instead of darting away or go chasing after someone. 

If you can’t use a crate try using a baby gate or some sort of blocking them from your coworkers

Potty Training at Work: 

Try to ensure your dog is potty trained before coming to work, it helps all parties in the long run. 


  • Take lots of outdoor bathroom breaks and walks
  • Reward your dog when they go outside, where they are supposed to go 
  • Do not punish them or rub their noses in it if there is an accident as this can make matters worse.
  • Do not forget to pack poop bags as well as cleaning supplies just in case

Signs of Stress at Work: 

  • Ears pulled back 
  • Lip licking 
  • Scratching 
  • Shaking 
  • Tucked tail 
  • Whale Eyes
  • Yawning 
  • Barking, Growling, Cowering 

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