How to choose the best interactive toys and food puzzles for your dog

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Hey Dog lovers,

Today I talk about a topic I know all too much about, interactive toys and food puzzles. Owning a Cattle dog I have come to learn that they need mental stimulation multiple times a day. This helps them remain calm and not become aggressive or destructive. I briefly talked about some of these in a recent post about bored dogs, so if you haven’t checked that out yet make sure you do. 


Teething puppies- redirect energy to something they should be chewing 

Fast eaters- avoid bloat or other medical complications 

Picky Eaters- satisfy a dogs natural desire to hunt or work for their food, motivation for picky eaters. 

Gives you a break- provide mental stimulation allowing you to focus on tasks a dog isn’t needed for 

Keeps them busy in the crate

How to teach a dog to use a puzzle toy: 

Your dog is most likely not going to know how to use a puzzle toy at first glance, some like Aussie may just pawn it or pick it up and flip it as seen on some facebook videos. So they may need a little assistance at first, by assistance I mean you may have to show them how to get the food out the first two times. Try using a high value treat and a smelly one to get them motivated. 

If your pup is not getting it, keep trying and have patience. Most dogs are not used to using their minds likes this so it stumps them and gets frustrating like when we learn new things and can’t master them. If your dog is clicker trained, you can mark and reinforce each desired behavior in the process of learning how to play with and use the toy/puzzle. 

What to consider before buying an interactive toy or food puzzle: 

They may create less predictable potty habits, especially in younger dogs who aren’t fully potty trained. 

They can be expensive 

Dogs must be supervised in multi dog households, anything can happen with dogs, this is the same rule with children. Both NEED to be supervised by adults at all times.

How to choose the right food puzzles and toys: 

Large dogs and strong chewers- large enough for them not to swallow  

Small and flat-faced dogs – softer toys and size appropriate 

Recommended food puzzle toys and feeders for dogs:




Fun Feeder

Green Feeder 

Slow Feed Bowl

IQ Ball 

Tricky Treat Ball 

DIY food puzzles and toys: 

Milk jug toy: take an empty, clean and dry plastic milk jug, put kibble or small treats in it to try to knock out. (Leave cap off) 

Paper Towel Tube: place kibble or treats inside a cardboard paper towels or toilet paper tube and fold the ends over for an inexpensive challenge 

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