Hey Dog Lovers,
Today we tackle all things potty training and how to prevent accidents from happening, Potty problems are more often than not caused by human problems.
Are you taking your pup out often enough
Should be bringing your puppy out every 30min- 3 hours depending on their age.
Are you taking them out soon enough after eating or drinking
10-15 minutes after eating or drinking
Are you giving them a potty break soon enough after waking or taking them out of their crate?
As soon as they wake up or come out of their crate- take outside (Carry)
Are you putting “business” before pleasure?
Make sure they pee or poop before you engage in play outside
Are you using positive reinforcement?
Right when they finish doing their business, click or say your marker word to tell them they did the right thing. Make it a big celebration and they are more likely to do it
Are you being consistent?
Go out the same door and go to the same potty spot in the yard each time you take them out
Are you cleaning up in-house accidents quickly, correctly and thoroughly?
Enzymatic and bio-based cleaners are the best way to remove not only the stain from an accident , but also the smell that could cause your puppy to return to the same spot
Potty Problems due to Puppy Problems
Peeing in the house
Urinary tract infection
Bladder inflammation (cystitis)
Bladder or kidney stones
Patent urachus
Ectopic ureter
Liver disease (shunt)
Pooping in the house
Intestinal parasites like worms, coccidia, giardia or others
Inflamed stomach, pancreas, or intestines from food that may be too rich from them
Being fed too many meals or meals that are too large
A deficiency in pancreatic enzymes
Some puppies will pick up on potty training than others, they will get it but you might have to help them a bit more and work harder to be “on your game”. When in doubt ask your vet for help or a trainer.
Make sure to check back weekly for: Training Tuesdays and Thursday Thoughts!