Hey Dog Lovers,
Is your dog showing signs of destruction or super high energy or none at all? This may be a simple fix, they may just be bored. But I am not here to write a whole blog post on bored dogs. I want to jump into what else it could be besides boredom for dogs.
Pain and Illness in Dogs
Age is not a disease, it’s the disease that comes along with aging that are.
Examples of popular diseases:
- Arthritis – inflammation of pain in the joints (elbows, knees, hips)
- Spondylosis- degeneration of spinal column
- Pinched nerve or compressed disk
- Hypothyrodism- decreased thyroid function, hormonal/endocrine condition
- Hepatitis- inflammation of the liver
- Cancer- liver, brain, lymph, spleen, kidneys. Bone cancer is the worst and most painful for dogs.
Ways to tell your dog is in pain:
- Show signs of agitation.
- Cry out, yelp or growl.
- Be sensitive to touch or resent normal handling.
- Become grumpy and snap at you.
- Be quiet, less active, or hide.
- Limp or be reluctant to walk.
- Become depressed and stop eating.
- Have rapid, shallow breathing and an increased heart rate
Please do not self diagnose or self prescribe medications for your dog, even if you have had dogs like this before. Every dog is different and leave it to the professionals.
Stress in Dogs
Common Stress signs in dogs:
- Nose/lip licking
- Yawning
- Panting
- Reduced or absent appetite
- Diarrhea
- Tail lowered or tuckes
- Ears pulled back or pinned back
- cowering/crouched body posture or hiding
- Trembling/shaking
- Increased vocalizations- whining, howling, barking
If you think your dog is stressed trying to figure out why and change that aspect of their environment. If that doesn’t work try calming, Adaptil and speak to your vet or vet certified behaviorist.
Just a Bored Dog
Bored dogs are destructive dogs. They need to channel that energy somewhere. Ways to lessen boredom, doggy daycares, hire a dog walker, Puzzle toys, frozen kong treats, snuffle mat or play nose games with they and get their minds going.
Remember dogs cant speak so make sure you know your dogs signs as they will suffer in silence until you figure out what is wrong.
As always make sure to ask any and all medical advice to your local vet, as I am not a certified vet.
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