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Why you should adopt a Senior Dog!

Hey Dog Lovers,

Today we talk about all things Senior Dogs and why you should consider adopting one. Below I have compiled a list of reasons why you should adopt a Senior dog!

You Can be a HERO!

  • Fighting for the value and beauty of life at all ages and stages 
  • Older dogs are the first to be euthanized in crowded shelters

Most older dogs are already trained

  • Mastered basic manners usually 
  • House broken

Fewer Surprises

  • Behaviorally and Personality 
  • Size wise

Less Demanding

  • Don’t require constant monitoring and ongoing training that puppies need 
  • Good choice for busy families and older people

Give Instant Companionship

More meaningful interactions with your older dog who is already trained and socialized

Can Learn New Tricks

  • May take longer than with a puppy but can learn
  • Willing to please

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