Thanksgiving Leftovers What is SAFE and NOT SAFE for your dogs

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Hey Dog Lovers,

Now that Thanksgiving is done you are left with a bunch of leftovers and not sure how to share the loot with your furry friends. Below I have provided a Safe and Not Safe Thanksgiving foods you can gobble up with your dog to rid of those leftovers. (Although, I personally love thanksgiving leftovers)


  • Turkey – remove the bone, white meat is preferred 
  • Pasta- plain as cheese can cause diarrhea with dairy products 
  • Cranberry Sauce  – small portions as sugar that’s heaped into cranberry sauce is not good for food *teaspoon of plain dried cranberries sprinkled over your pet’s food*
  • Potatoes (incl. Sweet potatoes) – as long as they do not contain unsafe ingredients like garlic or chives or are over buttered. – plan and before mashing is safest
  • Vegetables- low calorie fare 
  • Pumpkin – health benefits include: fiber for gastrointestinal health, water and several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, beta-carotene and potassium. *Pumpkin Puree not Pumpkin Pie Filling *
  • Fruit – small pieces of pie or plain fruit


  • Alcohol – depresses the central nervous system and caused diminished coordination, respiratory distress, tremors, coma and death 
  • Nuts- cause weakness, lethargy , tremors, increased body temperature and vomiting  * Exception is peanut butter *
  • Alliums (onions, garlic, chives, leeks and shallots)- blood cell damage or toxic anemia 
  • Stuffing – many contain herbs that when ingested can result in central nervous system depression and gastrointestinal issues
  • Gravy – rich in fat with alliums and herbs – cause pancreatitis which can cause hospitalization 
  • Raisins – precise toxin contained in raisins and grapes but it prompts kidney failure 
  • Chocolate –  contains theobromine, which is poisonous to dogs and cats. Causes increased water intake and urinary output, tremors, seizures and abnormal heart rhythms. Can cause death!
  • Avocado-  Contains persin a substance that can illicit vomiting and diarrhea 
  • Caffeine – contain methylxanthine causes hyperactivity, tremors , elevated body temperature, abnormal heart rhythms, hypertension, seizures, collapse and death

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