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Seeing Eye Dog Anniversary (1/29/20)

Hey dog lovers, 

Our focus in today’s blog is Guide Dogs for the Blind (GDB) a company started in 1942 in creating partnerships between people, dogs and communities. 

This organization is an all donor and volunteer based. They receive no government funding as well. 

All services for their clients are free of charge including personalized training and extensive post-grad support as well as financial assistance with vet care. 

Unique abilities of Guide Dogs: 

  • Taught “intelligent disobedience” – handler gives unsafe cue from handler, taught to ignore (oncoming traffic) 
  • Impeccable manners
  • Avoiding distractions 
  • Eagerness to please and work 

It is the handlers job to know where they are at all times, not the dogs job 

What happens when a dog fails being a guide dog? 

  • Go up for adoption, the original handler has the first choice to adopt the dog when they fail than to the public
  • Great opportunity to get a dog who is completely trained and well mannered and give them a great home 

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