Hey Dog lovers,
Riding on the tail of last week’s post on how to clean your dog’s ears this week we talk about when NOT to clean your pets ears.
What if you use an ineffective cleaner?
- If your pet has a yeast infection in their ear and you use a cleaner or medication that works best for bacterial versus yeast you are most likely not going to fix the problem and could be prolonging your pets discomfort.
What if there is a ruptured eardrum?
- Happen with long standing ear infections or the presence of a foreign body
- Medications you put in their ear could actually cause deafness and more severe pain.
What if the ear cleaner stings?
- Cleaners containing rubbing alcohol and or witch hazel can cause worse pain and burning in an already irritated ear
Emergency Signs Bring to VET for proper diagnosis and treatment!
- Ear flap is red and warm to the touch
- Ear canal is narrowed (called: ”stenotic”) compared to what it normally looks like
- Strange odor coming from the ears
- Abnormal discharge coming from the ears
- Head tilted to one side, walking like they’re drunk or walking in circles
- Pet is guarding their ears
Only your vet can look down your dog’s ears properly and diagnose the problem and prescribe the best, most effective and safest treatment plan.
Make sure to check back weekly for: Training Tuesdays and Thursday Thoughts!