Benefits of Playing with your Dog

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Hey Dog Lovers, 

Here comes a fun post for today, benefits of playing with your dog. 

Training your dog for desirable behaviors while playing with them. (Not training in the sense of tricks). This allows you to reinforce good behaviors and have fun at the same time. 

Play provides mental stimulation, this is just as important as physical stimulation. Interactive games such as tug of war or fetch are great examples

It’s good physical exercise for you and your dog,  all dogs require some form of exercise so why not do it while playing and enjoying each others company. 

A way to Relieve Stress, spending time with your dog can cause calming effects and in some cases reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

Playing with your dog strengthens your bond. Like I always say with training and why I encourage owners to train their dogs and not have me do it, I don’t need the bond with your dog that’s your dog. 

Playing can decrease problem behaviors in Dogs – because you are keeping them busy and engaged you reduce the chance they will go off and find their own entertainment. If dogs do not get bored then problem behaviors typically do not happen. 

It can improve your social life, by going to the park, taking a walk downtown or playing fetch in your neighborhood you are bound to make new friends and maybe even a dog play group or walking bodies

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