Travel Anxiety With Dogs

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Travel anxiety and car sickness can ruin travel for everyone. Below are some tips and tricks to make traveling more fun and tackle Travel Anxiety with dogs.

Help your dog feel more comfortable in the car

Many dogs associate the vet with car rides which vet visits alone can cause enough anxiety on their own. This is called classical conditioning 

Desensitizing a puppy to enjoy riding in the car (Prevention) 

Start with a parked car turned off. Sit next to the dog in the area you plan on having them regularly ride. Give pets, praise, treats, and love. Do this for a few minutes at a time 2-5 minutes.

After a few sessions of the above, introduce being behind the wheel while your dog is still in their area. You can toss treats back to them and praise them whenever they are quiet and calm. Use a kong or chew to build a positive association with staying calm and at a distance. 

After practicing with the car off, try turning it on. Keep your own energy and attitude neutral while you turn it on, wait for a brief moment, and then turn it back off. The noise can be disconcerting at first so treat right after it happens. 

If your dog shows signs of distress, or fear tries going back one step and working up to it again.

Start adding in more and more of the car ride process, making sure to reinforce calm behavior with praise and treats throughout. Simply back out of the driveway and pull back in to start. 

Counter conditioning to help Travel Anxiety With Dogs

If being inside a car gives your dog anxiety and stress, begin working with them outside the car. Do this for a few minutes at a time, daily and weekly until they do not react. 

Have the door open and repeat the process of high-value rewards for looking at the car and moving towards it. DO NOT force them into the car, you want them to choose to jump in and out. 

Once your dog shows more confidence in approaching the open door, add jumping in (or being put in if too small). Give lots of praise and high-value treats for putting feet on the car and showing interest. 

With the car parked, go into the back seat with your dog. Pet them, praise them and give them high-value treats 

Gradually increase the amount of time you’re both spending in the car. Consider feeding them regular meals in the car, while you give them praise. 

What we are trying to do here is change the dog’s previously bad association with the car to a positive one. 

Weather Warning: Do not do these exercises on hot weather or extremely cold days and always stay with your dog. 

Calm Your Dog 

Toys and clothes that smell like you 

Supplements (CBD Oils, Solliquin, Zylkene, Composure chews) 


Homeopathic Preparations

Conditions within the car 


Travel Harness, Carriers, and Crates for Dogs  

Best Dog Restraint: 

Sleepy pod Click It Travel Harness – well constructed, easy to use, and received top marks in the rigorous crash testing done by the Center for Pet Safety. 

Restraint for Small Dogs 

Sleepy pod Mobile Pet Bet – Sturdy, comfortable, and attractive, easy to secure with your car’s seatbelt. 

Restraint for Large Dogs 

Gunner Kennel – Sturdy, pricey but it worth it! Crash-tested dog kennel. If for the back of the truck you need straps as well. 

Less Expensive Travel Restraints for Dogs 

Plastic Carriers

Travel Harnesses

*Generic and most are not tested so be sure to think about all aspects and not just the price when placing your order. 

Non-Slip Seat Covers for Dogs 

Medicate your Dog 

Medications can relieve anxiety and help your dog enjoy car travel. DO NOT provide any medications without consulting your veterinarian first.