The Misuse of Muzzles

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The misuse of muzzles has been a life long educational struggle.

The Misuse of Muzzles

A muzzle is like a seat belt. It reduces injury but doesn’t prevent accidents. Many people put muzzles on their dogs and knowingly put them into situations they can’t cope without working on their behavioral issues systematically using a training plan.

The problem.

The problem with just putting a muzzle on a dog and then putting him into situations where he is uncomfortable without training is that the dog will still be feeling and acting fearful, agitated or aggressive. If the dog were to bite, even though the dog can do less damage, it will still most likely be reinforcing to the dog. If a behavior is rehearsed, even if the dog has a muzzle on, the behavior will be more likely to happen in the future. A dog acting fearful, over-aroused or aggressive in a muzzle is still as worrisome to other dogs. Being attacked or threatened by a dog in a muzzle can be just as traumatic for some dogs.

The Misuse of Muzzles

The solution.

DO continue to use muzzles! But create a behavior modification plan that sets the dog up so that he can cope every step of the way.

  • Avoid unpredictable, crowded, stressful environments until your training is complete
  • Avoid areas where other dogs are off leash
  • Set up training sessions where you can train your dog and also be in control of the environment. For example, work with a calm decoy dog or person who will listen to you so you can create distance if needed or get closer as your dog succeeds to build his confidence without something unpredictable happening that might cause a set back.
  • Use Positive Reinforcement, to train body handling to avoid accidents
  • Learn to read your dog’s body language for signs of undue stress. Different dogs exhibit different signs. Here are some examples: pinning ears back, becoming hyper vigilant, panting, dilated pupils, raised hackles, vocalizing, fearful or aggressive displays.
  • Remove your dog from situations that are too stressful. Avoid the misuse of a muzzles.
The Misuse of Muzzles

Train your dog to use a muzzle.

It’s a great idea to teach every dog to feel comfortable wearing a muzzle. Emergencies can happen where your dog might suddenly need to be at the vet with an injury and might act unpredictably because of pain. Some countries require muzzles for public transportation. A muzzle is also a great piece of equipment to use for working with fear, reactivity and aggression in dogs. Where the dog is set up to succeed and the muzzle is just there in case of an unexpected emergency, like a seat belt.

The misuse of a muzzles cause more damage to your dog then you want. If you are considering muzzle training contact a professional trainer for assistance.