Can Dogs Forget their Training

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Can dogs forget their training? Just like humans, dogs need repetition to master a skill or a cue in the case of dog training. If a cue is not practiced everyday than how can you expect your dog to remember the cue. Don’t worry though this is only temporary and if you utilize full training technips and behavior properly they will be back to normal in no time.

Teach a Full Behavior to lower the chances of your dog forgetting their training

This is a follow through technique in dog training. Begin training your dog using common cues such as sit, stay, yes and eh-eh. Revaluate if you used these cues in every type of situation, if not some small adjustments may need to take place in your daily life.

Your dog should have a solid basic obedience background before addressing other issues.

Examples of Complete Dog Training Technique
  1. Feeding behaviors such as Sit & Wait
  2. Sit cue in all enviroments not just in the home
  3. When behavior is complete reward.

Situations your Dog May forget thier Training

Dogs often forget their training when they are in uncomfortable situations. For example when Aussie and I first started training in pet stores she was so overwhelmed she completely tuned me out. Being a young owner I was shocked and annoyed she was not listening to me. Upon further investiagtion it came to my attention that she forgot her commands as she was in a situation that was unfamilar to her.

This can also be applied to changing rooms in the house or training in the front yard vs the backyard. The smallest change to you can be considered a large one to your dog.

Example of situations your dog may forget thier training
  1. Sitting in a new pet store
  2. Staying in an open field
  3. Down in a car
  4. Recall/Come off leash in a new location

Causes of Dogs Forgetting their Training

Confusion is the number one thing that causes dogs to forget thier training. Marking with a bridge word is key to dog training. This bridge word, often “yes” for many trainers is used to mark the behavior given, connecting what you asked and what was given as a positive thing for the dog. Owners who have done this it may be in the best interest of your dog to start over with training with a clear consistent training plan. Consistency is key in dog training. The smallest change in your dogs training can cause confusion which can make it seem like all your dogs training has been forgotten.

Prevention of Dogs Forgetting their Training

Besides consistency, planned training sessions with your dog will help establish memory of that cue or skill. Another key point to recognize is that that you need to have all your basic cues proficient before you choose to attempt a harder skill. Examples of these are sitting and expecting your dog to not react to another dog passing by, those are two different things.

Prevention Tips for Dogs Forgetting their Training
  1. Patience
  2. Tone and Temperment of the trainer (dogs pick up on anger and frustration)
  3. Demanding vocal tone all the time
  4. Rewarding your dog upon behavior completion

All things considered over stimulation can happen to dogs who have been rescued or adopted later on in their lives. Give them time to acclimate to their new enviroment. Similarly dogs who have trained in the same house and move to a new one can expiencer this over stimulation as well.

How to calm down your over stimulated dog so they do not forget their training
  1. Get down on thier level
  2. Sniffing and Exploring their new enviroment is key
  3. Do an outside walk around the new place before heading inside
  4. Use commands the moment you arrive at your new place, sit before entering is a great way to start

Another Tip to preventing your dog from forgetting thier training is begining training in your backyard. Front yards typically have more distractions and triggers for dogs. The backyard provides a introduction to basic training with sounds and noises without causing that over stimualtion. When your dog seems comfortable in the back yard you can transition to the front yard slowly.

Changes in a dogs their enviroment can cause confusion and forgetfulness as well. These include: flooring (carpet to tile/wood) or noises such as the vacuum cleaner. It is important to understand they can feel discomfort the same way us humans can.

Lastly if you are struggling with any behavior or training issues it is always best to reach out to a professional dog training such as myself to get a better understanding on how to help your dog adjust and live thier best life. Sometimed owners just need reassurance in their training to shift thier whole mindset. Contact me today and I would be happy to help.

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