Halloween Safety Tips for Dogs

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While the Summer comes to an end and the Fall season begins to approach you can begin to catch glimpses of Halloween decorations going up as you walk your dog. Although many people celebrate Halloween it is not a universally loved holiday, especially for our dogs. Some of these decorations or costumes may be scary to your dog. By all means, celebrate Halloween just please have a plan to make sure your dog is set up for success as well.  Below I share some of my Halloween Safety Tips for Dogs.

Halloween Safety Tips for Dogs
Know your Dog’s Preferences and Respect Their Limits 

You are your dog’s advocate so if you know your dog is unsure of things in the dark, loud noises, and children running around screaming then maybe leave your dog at home while you take the kids trick or treating. If your dog enjoys being out in the fun then just make sure you know their stress signals or if they are getting tired, bring them home to decompress. 

Enrichment Activities for the Stay at Home Dogs

Snuffle pretzel 

Snuffle mat 

Frozen Kong 

Lick Mat 

Desensitize your dog to their costume ahead of time this is an important Halloween Safety Tips for Dogs

Do not wait for the last minute to throw your dog’s Halloween costumes on them. Many dogs tolerate them but some will not and may lash out in fear or anxiety as you force it on them. Just like you did for their harness as a puppy use similar positive associations when practicing putting the outfit on and taking it off. You can also use an enrichment tool mentioned above to help them while they are wearing the costume. 

Teach Leave it / Drop It for Safety of your dog on Halloween

Halloween means lots of candy. Although safe for our human children it can be very deadly to our fur kids. Make sure your dog is away from all candy and other yummy treats filled with sugar and chocolate. Their crate, a quiet room, or even a playpen is the safest for any age dog to be safe. Give them some enrichment of their own to join in on the fun.

Leave it is when you ask a dog to completely avoid something, in this case, candy other hazardous things. Drop it is used to prevent your dog from swallowing something already in their mouth, Check out our youtube channel for more how-to for these cues.

Teach Threshold Impulse Control 

Door Dashing – When trick or treaters come to your door and you open it to give them candy, your dog may run out of fear, anxiety, opportunity, or other reasons. To prevent this from happening keep them behind a gate, in their crate, pen, or in another room altogether. If your dog is just being friendly you can use a leash as well for safety and control. Although this is the most times you may open your door it is not the only time this happens. Prevent this by teaching your dog impulse control in thresholds such as doorways, crossing the street, and jumping in and out of the car.

Practice leash Safety 

If your dog is joining you on your trick or treating walk I would recommend the below for safety on Halloween night:

LED Collar/ Reflective Gear

Use a standard 6ft leash and AVOID Retractable Leashes.

Have their favorite high value treats ready to reward calm behavior (COOKIE10 for 10% off)

Practice loose leash walking, heels, and sit/wait in driveways. DO NOT walk up to peoples doors

Unsure if your dog is ready to participate in Halloween this year? Contact me today I am happy to chat for Free to help you decide.