Why Training Your Dog is So Important

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Training is an essential part of owning a dog and can be started at any age. Training builds confidence, mental stimulation, and strengthens the human-animal bond.  Dogs are always learning and you can teach old dogs new tricks.   

Why Training Your Dog is So Important

Confidence Training

Dogs that have anxiety or more timid personalities can benefit from confidence training.  It provides a sense of accomplishment and strengthens the bond between dog and owner through positive attention.  

Mental Stimulation Training

Mental stimulation is an important part of a dog’s overall well-being.  It is just as vital as daily physical exercise.  Equally important it is also a great addition to those weather restricted days. Mental stimulation can be in the form of basic training, food puzzle, slow feeder, find it, and more. The ways to mentally stimulate your dog are endless and will have the most impact on your dog’s life. Want ideas on some mental stimulation ideas, check out our Pinterest for enrichment ideas. 

Why Training Your Dog is So Important

 Common Questions about Dog Training

Will training make my dog behave better?

Training teaches a dog how to communicate with its owners. But you have to truly understand why the dog is acting that way first before training should start. Hiring a professional dog trainer is a great way to understand your dog’s behaviors and how to move forward.

Sometimes it is challenging for our dogs to understand what it is we are asking of them.  This can cause frustration for both us and our dogs.  Behaviors we think as “bad” are really just normal dog behaviors such as chewing and digging. By allowing our dogs to explore the world through their senses we are helping them better navigate their environment. Dogs have no concept of right or wrong, that is why structure is so important.  It is up to us to teach our dogs what is “right.”  The key is consistency with training and it can take a time to achieve the exact results you want.   

What training method is recommended? 

The preferred method of training is positive reinforcement.  This consists of rewarding your dog for doing something “right.” Rewards can be tasty treats, a favorite toy, or praise.  For this reason, seeking help from a professional trainer is best.   

Why Training Your Dog is So Important

 When should I start training my new puppy?

Allowing your dog to get acclimated to its new environment is important. In this time you should implement structure and potty training. Start small and build on your training.  When puppies are between the ages of 6 to 16 weeks they are in an ideal developmental stage to socialize them to all aspects of our world.   This means exploring new people, new dogs, new cats, and new locations. Additionally, young dogs will go through an adolescent phase between 8 – 18 months when socializing and training can be important tools to keep your dog friendly and happy as they go through the “teenage years”.

 My dog knows basic commands, why do I need to train him or her?

For their benefit and yours. Dogs are returned to shelters every year due to undesired behaviors, that could have been prevented. Owners want quick fixes to behaviors their dogs have had for years and unfortunately that is not how dog training works. It takes time, patience and consistency to have a well-trained dog. This happens over the course of their life, not in one session with a trainer. 

Training also goes beyond obedience, this includes agility, nose work, therapy dogs, dock diving, and trick dogs.  If your dog has mastered sit and stay, it may be good to try something new. 

Owning a dog means you are making a lifetime commitment to actively take care of that dog through means of health and training. 

Considering getting a dog or having a dog and want to work on some behavior issues you are seeing, Contact me today I am happy to help 🙂 We now offer virtual sessions so location is not an issue.