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Changing Your Dog’s Behavior in Six Ways

Changing your dogs behavior is not a simple task. That is why it is super important to set your dog up to succeed from the day you bring the home. Even when you do this problem behaviors may come through as they mature. Contact a trainer to help manage and Change your dog’s behavior. Keep reading to take the journey to Changing your dog’s behavior in Six Ways.

Changing Your Dog's Behavior in Six Ways

Establish Consistent Rules 

ALL family members must be on same page 

Same Cue words (Example: Down vs Off)

Same expectations (Loose Leash walking vs Heel)

Mark & Reward the Good Behaviors  

Markers (Clicker or Words “Yes” or Good)

Positive reinforcement (Treats, favorite toy, praise)

Reward the behavior you want (Calm, loose leash, etc.)

Dog Behavior

Ignore the Bad Behaviors

Not waiting long enough for extinction to occur.

Redirect to a behavior you want (Sit, four on the floor) 

Jumping- NEVER give attention & teach an alternative behavior


Time Out 

Crate, Room or Pen AWAY from you

They are not loud or scary or long (30 seconds to 2 minutes at Max) 

Also gives you a chance to regroup 


Pending Temperament and breed – 30 minutes- 2 hours 

Average is 1 hour a day is ideal 

Consider both the Mental & Physical Exercise

Changing Your Dog's Behavior in Six Ways


Good training helps you communicate with your dog and be able to read their body language as well 

By Changing Your Dog’s Behavior in these Six Ways you will learn to better communicate with your dog to live your best life with them. If you have questions or need help with any training or behavior with your dog contact us today.

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