Potty Training

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It starts on day one when it comes to Potty training your new dog. A schedule should be prepared prior to your dog coming home to set your dog up for a successful potty training plan. It is also to note my 6 year old ACD is on a schedule that we try to keep up with everyday. With age comes some grace periods in the schedule. Just remember when Potty Training does what works for you and your dog, creating a log at the start may help you remember and form a good potty training plan. 

Potty Training


In the morning, Calmly leash puppies and take them outside from their crate. If you have a small dog and know they won’t make it outside in time, leash and pick up and walk outside. Then you can feed them breakfast, I typically advise waiting 10-15 minutes then take them outside on leash to potty. If they do not go potty outside, place them back in a crate or pen and wait another 5-10 minutes and repeat until they go outside. Many owners skip this step and if the dog does not potty they just let it back in and go about their day. Then they find accidents later and wonder why they didn’t poop later when they took them outside. If they do potty outside, allow some SUPERVISED freedom in a safe area with you. If you cannot watch your dog with 100% supervision they should not be free. 

Freedom is Earned 

When your dog goes potty outside they are rewarded with freedom and play with you in the house. If they do not they need to go back to the crate or pen and wait until they potty to get some freedom. Remember freedom is earned and is not guaranteed for dogs. 

Potty Training

Potty Break Tips 

It is crucial to understand even when having a fenced in backyard, you need to keep your puppy on a LEASH for potty breaks. This will help them focus on going potty versus playing. When you want to play outside with them they can be off leash if you have a fenced in yard 

Tools Needed


Collar or Harness 

Poop bags 

Crate or Pen 

Medical Issues 

It is important with any behavior change you see in your dog to rule out medical issues. Talk to your vet. 

Potty Training

Still Having Accidents? 

Take a look at the dog’s Overall Daily schedule. Something is being overlooked or not enforced for your dog to keep having accidents. Â