How to Stop Puppy Biting 

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If you recently got a new puppy then you know what puppy biting is. This is not a sign of aggression this is puppies teething and exploring their new environment with their mouths. By teaching them the power of their jaw or bite inhibition we can teach them what is and is not allowed for them to chew on. The more dog owners know about these common dog behaviors the more equipped the world will be to stop returning or dumping dogs in shelters. Keep reading to learn how to stop Puppy Biting.

What is Biting? 

Puncture wounds are considered puppy mouthing. Grabbing on to clothing or limbs is also mouthing. Biting is when they break skin typically. Many puppies have no intention of hurting others they are just exploring their new world with their mouth and nose as dogs do. Those sharp teeth do not help though.

Puppy Biting

Why are they Mouthing?

Exploring the world through their mouth and nose. 

Typically to play 

Teach Acquired bite inhibition. 

Requires effective communication. The best teacher is another well mannered dog who can give the correct correction to the dog. Use exaggerated body and facial expressions and tone of voice to get the point across, DO NOT pull your hand or clothing away as this initiates a game of play. instead push in towards their mouth causing them to release your hand.

How to stop Mouthing?

Make playtime productive 

Provide alternatives – Kong (frozen and filled with Fill and treats) , Chews , Teething Rings Frozen

**Always supervise with these alternative toys **

Reinforce good behavior 

Increase chewing difficulty

If you are still struggling with your dog biting, chewing or mouthing please reach out for a stop by session and we can work together to manage and create a better environment for both you and your dog.