Slow Feeders

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Slow feeders are a great way to slow your dogs’ eating down. Avoiding digestion issues and making meal time more engaging. Aussie eats out of a few different bowls to mix up her routine and keep things fresh. There are many Pros and Cons of Slow Feeders, keep reading to learn more.

Slow Feeders

Better for the Body 

This prevents dogs from ingesting air as well as their food that causes bloat. Can cause GDV (gastric dilatation and volvulus) a life threatening condition that requires emergency surgery and the dog could die. 

Mind over Matter 

Require some thinking which gives the dog some valuable mental stimulation. This reduces boredom, alleviates frustration, reduces excessive barking or chewing. 


Some dogs may struggle with this causing frustration. Go slow and introduce it slowly. 

Pricey- look into some DIY or these affordable bowls 

Slow Feeders

Should you use them?

That is ultimately up to you. Do what’s best for your dog and ask your vet for any recommendations. 

Recommended Slow Feeders

Teal Slow Feeder

Pink Bone Bowl

Puzzle IQ Ball

Some of my favorite slow feeders are mentioned above as well as we use sniffle mats and other games if the weather is no favorable for outside activities. There is no limit to feeding your dog.

If you are struggling with choosing a slow feeder or even looking for some recommendations make sure to reach out and I would be happy to share the ones I have used. These also provide great mental stimulation and enrichment . Adding them to mealtimes makes it a great way to add into your daily life. If you are on a budget there are also DIY ways to slow down your dogs eating such as Balls, snuffle mats and spread feeding.