Behaviors to Train your Puppy

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A mistake many owners make when first getting a puppy is expecting to train them on all the behaviors ASAP. In reality that is not fair to put those expectations on the dog. This can cause a toxic owner and dog relationship. Things I recommend to focus on when you first get your Puppy are: The Name Game, Socialization, Crate training and Potty Training.

Behaviors to Train your Puppy

The Name Game 

Their Name, it’s just that simple. If your dog does not know their name then it will make it very hard to tell them to do anything else. It all starts with their name. 

  1. Gently toss a treat away from you 
  2. Let your dog get the treat 
  3. Call your dog’s Name 
  4. The moment they look at you, mark “yes” and reward
  5. Repeat a few times 


Puppy socialization is key to proper development for your puppy. This goes beyond just havign them meet other dogs, I would actually avoid greetings of any kind until they can be calm around other people and dogs. Check out this Blog Post on how to safely socialize your puppy.

Crate Training

Crate’s are a great tool to use to create a safe space for your puppy as well as help in potty training and avoiding bad habits from forming. These behaviors are chewing, destruction and potty accidents to name a few. Check out this Blog Post on how to Crate Train your dog.

Behaviors to Train your Puppy

Potty Training

There are so many rules when it comes to potty training a new puppy or younger dog, There past plays a small factor but just as a starting point. I do not recommend training pads. Check out this blog post on how to Potty train your dog.

Other Things to Remember When Training Your Puppy

Keep sessions short and fun

Try in new places and environments 

Go slow and have fun 

If you are struggling with your dog and need help, please contact me and I would be happy to help guide you through the first stages of your new puppy or dogs new life.