Dog Friendly Stores

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When considering taking your dog for an outing with you make sure you check store policies. Once you confirm they allow dogs, pack your pouch with treats and head out. But before you enter the store make sure to follow the below tips to make sure you have a great experience in Dog Friendly Stores. 

Clean up the Basics 

Make sure you feel good about your walk and basics at home. If you have any doubts your dog may not be ready for a public outing.  

Dog Friendly Stores

Calm in the Car 

Make sure your dog is not anxious in the car. They should have a solid down stay or car crate to get them in a calmer state of mind. A calmer state of mind is key to a good experience. 

Warm Up in the Parking Lot of Dog Friendly Stores

Take your time getting out of the car and practice walking in the parking lot. If your dog seems stressed or anxious I recommend heading home and trying again another day. 

Take a Perimeter Lap 

Before you walk into any building make sure you give them time to potty. This also creates space before heading in. 

Space is Your Friend 

When you are in the store, advocate for your dog’s space. People do not need to pet your dog or even greet them. Make sure you are focused on their body language and if they are anxious or stressed end the trip and try again another time. 

Dog Friendly Stores

Keep Things Short and Sweet 

There is no need to commit to going through the whole store or stay for an extended period of time. Keep it short and fun. 

Other Things to Remember 

Be Respectful to Store Employees

Leave things how you found them 

Be nice to other store visitors 

Confirm the store allows dogs 

Leave if your dog is being disruptive