When considering adding another dog to your pack make sure to consider all other members of your pack, four legged as well. Things can be more difficult if the other dog members are not enthused about the new addition. When introducing any dogs to each other the method below will help smooth the process. If you need help with dog introductions when accepting a new dog, please reach out to me today.

Do Proper Introductions
Start with a parallel walk with some space and then slowly bring the dogs closed together while walking. Make sure to do this in a neutral space.
Monitor Interactions
If you cannot 100% supervise them together they need to be separated in crates and pens until you can watch them fully. This is how accidents can happen between dogs and why some are returned. When you are supervising make sure to really watch how they interact. Good dog play goes back and forth. If you notice one sided play, break them up and try again later. It is important to note not all dogs want to be around other dogs and you have to respect that.
Watch out for Resource Guarding
Many dogs do not like to share, this is where resource guarding can come into play. Dogs may snap, growl, snarl or bite if another dog tries to take their food, toys, or come into their space. To avoid this happening it is best to pick up any valuable possessions when a new dog is in the home.

Encourage Positive Interactions when Accepting a New Dog
Take them on walks together, feed them at the same time but space them apart. When you catch your dog being positive to each other mark and reward.
If you are struggling with your current dog with unwanted behaviors make sure to contact a professional before accepting a new dog into the home.