Demanding Dog

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If you have a dog that has developed a demanding behavior such as licking, pawing or barking at you for attention it is important to note you caused that behavior. With some simple habit changes you and your dog can nip these demanding behaviors in the butt. Demanding Dogs can be a lot to handle, but with proper guidance from a Professional Dog Trainer you can succeed.

Demanding Dog

Ignore the unwanted behavior. COMPLETELY. 

This is really hard to do but it has to be done. Even if you allow it for a short period you are intermittently reinforcing the behavior and it will never stop. This also means you cannot talk, touch or look at your dog. These three are the biggest ways to reinforce the behavior. 

You will most likely see an extinction burst of the unwanted behavior and this just means an extreme case of the behavior and a longer time they do it . It will end so stick it out and be strong. Try to work on this when you have time and patience to do so. 

Teach an alternative behavior to the unwanted one.

A good example is a sit when she needs something instead of pawing, barking or jumping. Teach a solid sit behavior then start asking for it before they offer the unwanted behavior. Mark and reward each time. This is also working on impulse control. 

Demanding Dog

Increase your Dogs physical and mental enrichment

This could mean a longer game of fetch or flirt pole sessions. Use mealtime as a time to use a puzzle or slow feeder. Give them new activities to avoid the unwanted behaviors as many stem from being bored.

If you have a Demanding Dog and you are struggling make sure to contact a professional dog trainer for assistance. I also recommend doing some research as well for online resources.