It’s Ok He’s Friendly

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One of the most annoying things I deal with is owners who assume all dogs are friendly and their dogs are entitled to greet every dog in public. I highly discourage you to allow your dog to greet any dog on leash especially on walks. Regardless if your dog is friendly or not try your luck at an unfriendly or leash reactive dog. This situation could also get dangerous both mentally and physically. Therefore read on to learn why “It’s ok, he’s friendly” is not ok. 

Things to say in response: 

“No my dog isn’t friendly or isn’t feeling good”

“Stop, please recall your dog” Usually proceeds with a body block and leg out to block them 

“No, we are in training”

“No, I don’t want to ruin my dogs walking experience with an on leash greeting” 

Do not apologize for not allowing your dog to greet other dogs. This is the responsible way to handle this. 

Things I want Other Owners to understand as someone with a reactive dog: 

Most areas have leash laws so please abide by them for the safety of your dog and others 

Please put yourself in our shoes and respect my dogs space 

Friendly dogs are not bulletproof. They will have a dog they do not like. It’s not worth the risk of ruining your dog over a greeting. 

When rushed by a dog as another dog or human is not enjoyable so please keep your dog leashed 

Unless your dog has a 100% recall do not let off leash 

Please study body behavior 

Nonetheless reactivity is not something that can ever be cured. If a professional tells you this they do not truly understand canine behavior and you should seek a second opinion. As a dog professional who studies and understands reactivity very well I always advise my clients reactivity is manageable but not curable. The first step is accepting your dog for whom they are. It will make training a lot easier.

If you are struggling with leash reactivity with your dog or have questions please reach out to me.