How to Train Your Dog

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Clear Consistent Communication.  Through short, fun and engaging training sessions you can teach your dog to do almost anything, Make sure to include a marker and reward. That is how you train your dog. 

How to Train Your Dog

Training Sessions

Keep training sessions short , fun and engaging. Especially with puppies and younger dogs as their attention spans are not that long. Keep training sessions between 5-20 minutes, depending on your dogs mood that day, Try 3-5 reps for each behavior. Behaviors would be: Sit, Down, Recall, Stay, etc.

When working on Loose Leash walking try to focus on the duration of the loose leash not the distance. This means shorter walks at first.

Tools you May Need

6ft flat leash (NO Retractable leashes) 

Long Line 

Treat Pouch 

Training Treats (CODE: CURIOSITY15)

Tug Toy

How to Train Your Dog

Tips and Tricks to Train your Dog

Reward behaviors you like with a Marker (Word: Yes or Clicker)

Behaviors you don’t like Ignore. Then show what you expect from your dog.

Mark and Reward immediately , any delays may cause confusion from your dog.

If you are still struggling with your dog and need more help. Reach out to me via my Contact Page. Dog Behavior can be confusing and misleading. Having a Professional explain and help answer your questions is the easiest way to help.

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