Puppy Mill Behaviors

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Puppy Mills are inhumane high-volume dog breeding facilities that churn out puppies for profit, ignoring the needs of the puppies and their mothers.  Please do your research when thinking about rescuing or adopting a puppy. Many pet stores directly support puppy mills, which keeps them in business. Try looking at Breeders or rescues vs pet stores. Dogs that come from puppy mills display many behavior issues that we will discuss in this post. 

Puppy Mill Behaviors


Due to them only living in cages and not taught to go outside they learned to go inside their cages. Which can then turn into inside house soiling. Have patience with them and focus on reteaching them where to go. 

Human Trust and Interactions

These dogs have little to no interaction with humans and if they do its not pleasant.  When you bring a puppy mill dog home make sure to go slow and go at their speed. I have also seen an over attachment owners in some cases. This can lead to separation anxiety so make sure to contact a professional if you need assistance. 

Puppy Mill Behaviors

Leash Skills 

They are never on a leash so like any newly rescued dog you have to teach them what a leash and collar is and how to walk. This may take longer for puppy mill dogs but it is possible. 

Crate Training 

The crate for most dogs is a safe place for them. This is not the case for puppy mill dogs who spend all their time in crates. I would recommend setting up a safe place for your dog vs a crate. Crate training most likely will not be a thing. Respect their feelings and make it work for them to feel comfortable. 

Poop Eating (Coprophagia) 

This behavior stems from lack of enrichment, or hunger. Your vet can recommend medication that may work and you can help by keeping a clean yard and space for your dog. Clean it up as soon as it happens and always supervise your dog when you know they have to poop. 

Puppy Mill Behaviors

Obsessive Compulsive Behaviors 

These can consist of Spinning, Chewing, and Barking. But there can be others as all dogs are unique. The behaviors stem from boredom, but can be managed through positive enrichment and adventures.