Benefits of Having a Dog

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Dogs are known to be loyal animals. But did you know it’s heathy to owners to own a dog. There is a lot of research out there on this as well, its not just my bias opinion. Keep reading to learn about the benefits of having a dog.

Benefits of Having a Dog

Provide Companionship 

They offer unconditional love, emotional support and constant cuddles which helps stave off social isolation. 

Motivation for more Activity 

Dogs need to be exercised daily, this encourages you to do the same to keep a sharp mental and physical game. Enrichment is a great way to help with mental stimulation.

Calming presence for adults and children 

Kids who grow up in a home with dogs are less likely to have allergies and eczema. Also fewer sick days from school if they have a dog.

Boost Mood and Ease Stress 

Spending 15-30 minutes with their pet can make them feel relaxed and calm. It also raises chemical levels in your brain associated with pleasure and tranquility. Dogs calming presence helps us redirect stress to serenity.

These are just some of the few benefits of owning a dog. Do ownership is not for everyone but it can be with the proper research and education prior to getting a dog.