Recent studies have found that an ancient form of communication may be the answer. Like wolves’ dogs use howling as a way to communicate with each other. Dogs who are descendants of wolves share in this commonality. Just like barking is contagious so is howling especially if they sense fear, danger, or a threat. So why do dogs Howl?
Howling is instinctual and can be natural or triggered by an underlying problem. Some dogs respond to high-pitched sounds like emergency sirens or musical instruments by howling.
Do Sirens hurt their ears?
Dogs hear higher frequency of sound than a person which is why ultrasonic signals such as those are used n training whistles.
Vets have recently shared that dogs associate the sound with a particular event or have learned if he howls the noise is chased away.
They also state dogs could feel pain from sounds that weren’t painfully loud to us.
Reasons Dogs Howl
To Get Attention
Communicate with people or other dogs
Let others know they are there
Express emotions
Convey Pain or Discomfort
Response to Triggering noises
Breeds that Howl More
Siberian Huskies
Chow Chows
If you are struggling with your dog howling or barking more than normal start by consulting your Vet. They may be able to assist or recommend a professional dog trainer to help.