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This behavior can be very obnoxious especially when they won’t stop. Even after the trigger is gone. This behavior is a top question I get when training my clients. It does take time to work through but we can conquer and manage Barking.


Why do dogs bark?

Self rewarding behavior that gets dogs what they want. 

3 Types of Barking

Bored Barking 

Relaxed body, in house , excited ,happy 

Communicate to your dog this is not ok, by staying calm and physically removing the dog with a leash preferably and give them something to do (lick mat, place, kong) 

If this does not work you need to manage the dog and access to the window/door etc. only allow access when you can train the right behavior

Demand Barking

Remove from the room and yourself calmly 

Place in crate/pen and give something to do away from you  

Back Off Barking

Stiff body , intense and growling and spaced barking and low

Usually fear/anxious 

To solve

Calmly walk over and say good job and look out window 

If they do not stop and go do something else, lead away from window and give them a job

If this does not work remove them from the environment/ situation and only allow when you can train correct behavior 

Tips & Behaviors 

Teach a “Place” behavior – go to the mat 

Crate Training 

Structure in everyday life is key (routine, follow through, calm and confident)