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Why Do Dogs Jump?


Many people do not realize that they are inadvertently encouraging jumping by offering Talking, Looking, or Touching (TLT).  When we offer these anytime the dog is jumping on us we are reinforcing that jumping does work. 

How do we Make it Stop? 

You need to choose to really end this behavior altogether. Why? Because jumping is one of those commands that are all or nothing. Dogs cannot tell the difference between situations. Jumping is either appropriate or not. For small or large dogs this is considered rude behavior. 

Addressing Jumping 

**Avoid Talking, Touching or Looking at your dog **

Make Sit Happen 

We don’t want our dogs to jump, so we teach them to “sit” when people come to the house


Use a Leash to prevent 

Using your leash attached to the dogs collar, simply step on the leash on the floor when working with your dog. Ensuring no dogs are jumping. 

Teach an Off Behavior 

Use the Windshield Wiper Body Language Replication Tool

Use your arm and hand moving from left to right to signify UP and RIGHT TO THE LEFT TELL DOG OFF 

We use OFF  for People and Things 

We use DOWN for Lay Down 

When they jump on you, use clicking noise as you move your pretend windshield wiper arm towards the ground. Be sure to do this not using any eye contact

Be sure you are simultaneously moving your arm and turning your body in the direction that you want all four paws to touch the ground, dropping your shoulder on the opposite side of where your dog is. This will help get your body into the right position. 

When all four paws are on the floor use your marker word (YES) and treat 

Once the behavior is becoming a learned process add the word “OFF” right before moving your arm and body towards the ground 

Eventually, we will want to be able to use the Off command from afar. We can teach it for Jumping then use it as one of our top 5 uses cues. This will help with Counter surfing or jumping on the couch or bed. 

Using your arm and pointer finger, signal them into the position you expect them to be in Use the same windshield wiper movement with more of a pointing effect

Say “dog’s name, eh! Eh!, Off!”

Use YES the moment their paws are on the ground