Puppies are adorable, cute, destructive and at times obnoxious. There is a lot of work at this stage but staying focused, consistent and clear in your requests will help guide your new puppy towards a truly well balanced life. Starting your puppy off on the right paw is crucial to proper development.

Simple Satisfying and The Same
Keep the requests, simple and therefor easy to learn
Make sure the reward is satisfying and of high value
Always use the same (consistent) cues and commands
Socializing your Puppy
DO NOT allow your puppy to just work out any problem they may have with other dogs in dog parks or playing with other dogs. Allow your dog to only play with dogs of equal size and temperament and intervene when you feel the play has gone too far. This teaches your dog thresholds of acceptable behavior and rules for appropriate play. Having your dogs back is one of the most effective mantras to love as an owner.
Socialize every chance you get: carry to shopping malls so they can see what society has to offer. Let them walk around on different surfaces as long as they are clean. Get them used to different textures and surfaces, feel rugs, tile, stone, stairs, etc. (Recommended Tiles) See all the colors and strange people (men with beards, people in wheelchairs, bicycles, strollers and hats.
As dogs grow older they will change. A Puppy might be eager to meet new people but as the dog matures they may not be as willing to meet new people and that is ok. Introducing dogs to potential friends slowly and carefully and you should be fine.

Mouthing and Biting
Ways to Inhibit the Behavior:
- Freezing. Don’t move, Don’t respond, Don’t talk to your puppy. Doing nothing does in fact stop bad behaviors. Behavior is driven by consequences. Dogs only do what works for them. By responding to them biting at all by moving your hands/arms or legs (whatever he has in his mouth) they will keep biting you.
- Under 3 months old puppies respond to high pitch noise. They should stop biting you. WHen they do say “yes”. Repeat the process until he begins to understand, this may take a while.
- Puppies 3 months and older and the ones who ignore the freeze, tell them “eh, eh” and stare at them briefly when they bite then stand up. If they do not stop, move out of the room for a short time, Then start the whole process again,
Getting Attention….Giving Attention
Develop Attention:
- Seeking eye contact before you give him something, like food or a treat
- Make sure your dog established eye contact before existing the car or going out of your house for a walk
- Some dogs are too shy to give direct eye contact- for those dogs make sure they look at you
- Controlling your dogs access to you
- Examine how often you pay attention to your dog, and make sure that she doesn’t constantly demand attention from you by pushing, nudging, barking or whining
- If they do practice ignoring the behavior some or most of the time and then give them the attention when they are calm and time allows for it
- Be slightly aloof and they will want to please you more
- Examine how often you pay attention to your dog, and make sure that she doesn’t constantly demand attention from you by pushing, nudging, barking or whining
Exercise & Mental Stimulation
Make sure your dog gets enough exercise and stimulation. Most adult dogs need a couple good romps a day and puppies need shorter play periods more often. A tired dog gets into less trouble than an under stimulated one. Reinforce good play- Ball and retrieving days are great. Make obedience work fun. Praise behaviors you want using voice, treats and petting. Control and prevent behaviors you do not wish to see repeated.

When to use Treats- and When you don’t have to:
Use Food:
- To train behaviors you want to see repeated
- To train alternatives to undesired behavior (sit vs jump)
- To train against the genetic grain (against instinct or desires)
Food not Necessary:
- To extinguish unwanted or dangerous behaviors, but you can use it to explore alternatives
- When environmental reinforcement is more attractive than food.
Attention Seeking or Demanding. This probably means the dog is bored and wants your attention. Goal must be twofold: stop barking without giving attention. No Talking, Looking or Touching. Until they are quiet.

- Reinforce any behavior you wish to see repeated. Prevent or ignore unwanted behaviors. Reinforcement includes food, praise, petting and play
- Never tell your dog to do something you cannot or do not have the intention of enforcing. Be consistent in how you give your instructions
- Do not repeat yourself when giving a command, unless you truly believe your dog did not hear you
- Use your dog’s name to get their attention. Never as an angry correction
- Try not to lose your temper with your dog. It does no good and it can do harm
- Practice Daily- 2-3 times a day for 5-10 minutes at a time.
- When your dog is performing an exercise well, move to other locations, make it harder and begin reinforcing on variable schedule (not every time)
- Always end your obedience session on a successful note even if that means regressing a bit before finishing
- You have only 1.3 seconds After any behavior your dog dogs to mark or correct or praise it
- Praise comes in the forms of food reward verbal praise, touch or play