The Name Game

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This game helps strengthen the bridge word (Yes/Good) while teaching your dog their name. This game will help you in everyday life to redirect/ refocus your dog anytime a distraction occurs (dog walking, the heater kicks on, vacuum, car drives by, play time initiation) 

The Name Game

Play the Name Game to get your Dog to focus on you, start by using High value treats. 

  1. Start with your dog in a quiet place with no or limited distractions
  2. Have your dog hang out around you while doing their own thing. If they are too focused on you, ask for a sit, release, walk away and reset. They should not be staring at you for this game.
  3. Gently toss a treat away from you and your dog. Let them get the treat. 
  4. Say your dog’s name one time with enthusiasm (high pitch) 
  5. The second they look at you (preferably your eyes, if they dont you can use your hand and bring them to your face) , use your marker word (Yes/Good) and then reward (treat, praise or toy)  
The Name Game

*If your dog does not look at you right away DO NOT REPEAT THEIR NAME.  Simply make an enticing sound, tap, clap and lightly tap on their back. When they look at you, use your marker word (Yes), do not reward. Try again from step 1. Once they get their name in one place, expand to other places slowly and start from step 1 each time.   

If you are struggling with your dog with the name game or any other behaviors please reach out to me via social media (Instagram, FB) or email me ( and I would be happy to help. My goal as a trainer is to better the lives of human and dog relationships.

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