Hey Dog Lovers,
Today we talk about a topic I never thought I would have any knowledge in. I always knew the basics of a harness but never have used them on my childhood dogs. As I got my own dog, Aussie my boyfriend and I began to discover the harness as a good alternative to help with her focus and pulling. I personally use the Easy Walk Harness and it has shown great improvement in redirecting her and controlling her when she has her tantrums. (Yes, my dog is just as imperfect as anyone’s)
Today we discuss How to Put on a Dog Harness, as it has come to my attention that in almost all veterinary practice, dog kennel, pet stores and even some of my clients have no idea how to put on a harness for their own dogs. It is slightly concerning the lack of education these pet industry professionals have especially when they are recommending it to everyday pet owners. It is our job as dog industry professionals to know how to use all types of training tools to be able to access and recommend the proper training tools for the dog at hand. Let’s Begin.
Standard Dog Harness

1. Stand, sit, or squat behind your dog and put him in a standing or sitting position. It is best to do this when your dog is calm.
2. Slip the harness over your dog’s head. Make sure the harness is positioned so the D-ring is on your dog’s back. The wider loop (the one with the buckle) goes on first, and the narrower loop goes on second.
3. Slip your dog’s leg through the first leg hole of the harness. The leg should now be in between the loop that goes around the ribs and the loop that goes around the neck.
4. Buckle the harness, so that your dog’s other leg is in the proper leg hole. If the buckle does not reach to allow you to close it, you need to loosen the strap.
5. Once the harness is buckled, adjust it so it fits properly. You should be able to slip two fingers underneath any strap. Try to pull the harness over your dog’s head to make sure that it is secure.
Step In Dog Harness
1. Lay the harness flat on the ground, so that you can clearly see the two triangles. The buckles should be on top of the D-rings.
2. Hold your dog from behind and place his front feet in the two triangles.
3. Pick up the two ends of the harness and clip them together on your dog’s back.
4. Adjust the harness accordingly. Try to pull it over your dog’s head to make sure it is secure
Front Clip Dog Harness
However, some front-clip harnesses have a different design, with one loop that goes around the ribs and a single strap that goes across the chest. There is no divider in between the dog’s legs. If this is the type of harness you have, follow the steps below.
1. Kneel to the right side of your dog while he is calmly sitting or standing.
2. Put the loop of the harness over your dog’s head. The harness label should sit on his left shoulder, and the metal ring for the leash should be at the center of his chest.
3. Reach underneath your dog’s belly and fasten the belly strap.
4. Adjust the harness to fit your dog. Make sure you cannot pull it over his head.
Make sure to check back weekly for Training Tuesdays and Thursday Thoughts!
Next week on Training Tuesdays we discuss: Prong and Choke Chains, The real truth.
Please check out Chelsea’s Canine Crafts, 15% of monthly profits benefit a shelter of the month