Hey dog lovers,
A lot of my clients have asked me this all to common question regarding treats and how many is too many. If you give too many treats it can lead to obesity.
Treats are an essential part of positive reinforcement and rewards based training but you have to remember to balance your dogs treats with their overall calories.
10% Rule
Treats should make up no more than about 10% of your dog’s daily calories
There are some low calorie treat option such as Zukes that may be the best solution.
There is a difference between nutritional value or regular dog food and dog treats.
Treats are just that, treats. They are usually made with one goal in mind, to taste and smell amazing.
Problems with too many treats:
- Nutrient and calorie imbalance
- A reduced interest in actual dog food
Your dog’s normal dog food whether dry or wet contains the correct balance of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients the need to stay healthy.
The terms kcal and calorie are usually interchangeable when it comes to dog food.
How to calculate a dog’s resting energy requirement (RER):
(Bodyweight (in kilograms) x 30) + 70 = resting energy requirement in calories (kcal)
Example: Aussies
646.50+70= 716.50 is Aussies resting energy requirement in calories
How to estimate a dogs daily calorie needs based on their age, medical status:
- Age (puppy,active adult, senior)
- Reproductive status (spayed/neutered vs intact, pregnant vs not)
- Medical conditions (diabetes, under/overactive thyroid, cancer)
- Activity level (couch potato vs weekend warrior vs working herding dogs)
- Weight and body condition score (underweight vs ideal weight vs overweight)
- Environmental conditions (an outdoor dog vs an indoor dog or a dog that lives in a warmer region vs a dog that lives in a cooler region)
Talk to your vet to get the real scoop on how much and what type of food to give your dog
Ideas for low calorie treats include: bananas, carrots, cucumber, apple or even ends of green beans. NEVER give Grapes!
Alternative treat ideas:
- Ordinary kibble
- Cheerios
- Popcorn
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