Hey Dog Lovers,
Today we talk all about micro chipping, where to get it, how it works and costs associated with it along with some benefits.

1 in 3 pets become lost at some point in their lives. Microchips can get them back to you quicker and safer.

What is a microchip? – A microchip is a radio-frequency identification transponder that carries a unique identification number, and is roughly the size of a grain of rice. When the microchip is scanned by a vet or shelter, it transmits the ID number. There’s no battery, no power required, and no moving parts. The microchip is injected under the loose skin between your dog’s shoulder blades and can be done in your vet’s office. It’s no more invasive than a vaccination.The unique identifier in the chip won’t do you any good unless you register it with a national pet recovery database. You’ll want to use a recovery service that has access to different microchip databases and technology. When you register your dog’s microchip, enter all relevant contact information.
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