Leashes, Collars and Harnesses

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Training tools are just that, tools. They help us teach our dogs behaviors we want. Alone they cannot resolve unwanted behaviors. Leashes, Collars and Harnesses are the top three tools I use the most in my everyday training.  Their

Leashes, Collars and Harnesses


Leashes are tools used to tether your dog to you or an object for safety and management. There are many kinds of leashes but my top three are Slip Leads, Flat clip and Long Lines.

Leashes, Collars and Harnesses


Collars are neckbands used to hold identification and attach to leashes for tethering and management of your dogs. The two main collars I use are Martingales and flat buckle collar.


A dog harness is a piece of equipment consisting in part of straps that surround the dogs torso. Used to guide, hold and lift the dog to utilize its pulling power. Any harness that advertises as a No Pull Harness is a gimmick. Harnesses can attach to the leash via the front or the back. I have had more success with the front clip harnesses. The harnesses I recommend are the freedom harness or easy walk.

Leashes, Collars and Harnesses

Searching for the right leashes, collars and harnesses can be overwhelming. If you have any questions or want help determining which harness is right for your dog, please do not hesitate to contact us. This also go for any dog behaviors as well.

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